
Please read this disclaimer carefully before using our website.

1. General Information

Greenroom life is a self improvement website. our blogs and contents are for helping the people to improve themselves.

2. Content Accuracy

We try to make our content accurate and up to date, but we can’t guarantee about content information at present.

3. External Links

In our website there are the links of third party websites. These links are for informational purpose only. if you are accessing the third party websites by the links from our website, we are not responsible about their privacy policy. please access the third party website at your own risk.

4. No Professional Advice

The content in the website is only for informational and educational purpose only, We don’t give any professional advice.

5. Changes to the Disclaimer

We may update the disclaimer with time to time, also page updated date will be given in bottom. Please visit this page periodically to stay updated with our terms and conditions.

Last updated: January 2025

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